Lipocube L-Nanocube
“All in one” Fat grafting device. One device to treat all the levels of soft tissue filler. The excellently designed Nanocube is a closed series of cutting grids that effectively resize harvested lipo-aspirates from Macro-Fat, to Milli-fat, Micro-Fat and even Nano-fat. Clinical publications¹ demonstrate that fat processed through Nanocube has superior cellular viability and a higher cell count, that other fat processing devices. This new means of mechanical fat processing preserves more matrix, optimizing the cellular content of Nanofat, thus having potentially higher regenerative effects in all levels of fat grafting.
Nanocube uses a series of luer lock hubs (1-4)
Simple Lipocube instructions;
- Harvest fat into 20ml luer lock syringes. Stand upright for 5-10 minutes, then drain off fluid portion
- Attached first fat-filled syringe to Port 1 on Nanocube and an empty syringe of same size, to port 2.
- Empty syringe 1 through Nanocube into empty syringe 2 (once only).
- Now move empty syringe from Port 1 to Port 3.
- Turn black dots so above Ports 2 & 3
- Push fat from port 2 to 3 and back again 10 times.
- Move empty syringe from Port 2 to 4
- Turn black dots so above Ports 3 & 4
- Transfer fat from syringe on Port 3 to 4 only once – (can be very hard to push through).
That’s it – Nanofat in syringe on port 4. Repeat as many as you can.
Milifat / MacroFat
2.5mm parcel size. Ideal for deep fat filling, such as breast, buttock, bone onlay grafts
1.2mm parcel size. Ideal for superficial fat compartments, upper breast remodeling, thin breast flaps,
600 microns. Ideal for subdermal and intra-dermal injection – scar release, burn scars, back-of hands, thin skin areas.
¹ Cellular optimization of Nanofat: Comparsion of two Nanofat Processing Devices in terms of cell count and viability. s.Cohen, T. Tiryaki, H. Womack, S. Canikyan, K Schlaudraff, M. Scheflan -Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum 2019, 1-11
Download publication here; Nanocube Publication
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Lipocube Demonstration Video
The Lipocube Patient Leaflet below is designed to provide a clear and concise overview of the aesthetic benefits and features of Lipocube, making it an essential companion for doctors during consultations in their clinics. This visually appealing and informative document aims to enhance communication between physicians and patients, ensuring that the unique advantages of Lipocube are effectively communicated.
Click to open Leaflet