Silicone Elastomer & PTFE coated Facial Implants

Implantech Chin Nasal Mandibular Malar Submalar and Midfacial range

Silicone elastomer facial implants. Chin and Mandibular Implants. Malar, Submalar and Midfacial range. Facial implants available with Soft and Flexible silicone elastomer etching. A range of Composite™ Facial Implants also available, with silicone elastomer covered with a Eptfe-coat.


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Popular Chin Designs (See Quote / Inquiry form below)

Implantech Conform Extended Anatomical Chin


Implantech Anatomical Chin

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Which Chin to use from the Implantech range?

Implantech have designed  Chin sizing chart 

To make your selection of Chin Implant easier and more understandable. The wide range of silicone elastomer Chin implants are designed with the patient in mind, whether it is male or female, requires a vertical and / or horizontal chin extentsion, whether the chin and mandible requires enhancement.  All of these are catered for in the Implantech range and more.  Implants are available in both silicone and ePTFE silicone covered implants.

Conform™ and Extended Chin; Terino extended chin; Flowers Mandibular; Glasgold Wafer™ chin; Mittleman Pre-Jowl; Terino Square Chin; Curvilinear Chin; Taylor Mandibular angle; Binder Submalar.

Malar, Submalar and Midfacial
  • Conform Terino Malar
  • Terino Malar
  • Combined Submalar
  • Flowers tear tough
  • Terino Malar Shell

Which Nasal Implants to use from the Implantech range?

  • Flowers Dorsal Nasal
  • Rizzo Dorsal
  • Brink Peri-Pyriform
  • Voloshin Dorsal Columella
  • Shirakabe Nasal
  • Also available are Silicone Blocks (non-sterile) for carving
  • Periosteal Elevators
  • SE-100 Smoke Aspiration Tip (fits with all leading manufacturers of hand-switching mono-polar diathermy pencilettes.

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Download Current Implantech Catalog here: Implantech Catalog 2016

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