Liposuction Products
Liposuction equipment includes a range of capital equipment required to carry out Liposuction, including body contour and fat grafting either under general anaesthetic or local. The basic equipment required is a High-flow Aspiration pump, ideally fitted with 2 x 3 litre suction canisters, a change-over valve, an emergency overflow container, bacterial filters and foot pedal (to turn on/off). To facilitate removal of lipid (fat cells) from the body, high-flow aspiration causes less trauma, bleeding and subsequent bruising when compared to manual aspiration.
Tumescent infiltration fluid also aids removal of fat cells, when applied to the area of the body that liposuction is to be carried out. With the addition of adrenaline and a local anaesthetic, tumescent fluid will also help reduce bleeding and aid with pain relief. An infiltration pump will help in the placement of Tumescent fluid, rapidly and in large area, where 1-3 litres of tumescent fluid is applied.