PIPELLE Endometrial Sampler

Pipelle Mark II is the only endometrial sampler designed to collect specimens for both uterine histology and cytology and is the first professional choice for gynaecological clinicians and laboratory staff.

A patented product by Dr Cornier Mark II has proved a most successful follow on clinical device from the original Pipelle de Cornier developed some 30 years previously. It’s success is world wide and in the UK it is at the forefront choice for gynaecological clinicians of the NHS and Private Hospitals for a great number of years and continues today with the Pipelle Mark II

Pipelle is indicated for the following procedures:-

Systematic screening for endometrial cancer and hypoplasia
Detection of luteal phase insufficiency
Monitoring of hormonal treatment
Menorrhagia with or without HRT
Late menopause
Endometrial hypertrophy detected by ultrasonography
Tamoxifen treatment
Bacteriological culture

A note for clinicians: Be sure that you are given the endometrial device that offers dual purpose diagnostic capability and is the original PIPELLE de CORNIER Mark II

For further information visit our website www.eurosurgical.co.uk click on gynaecological then gynaecology OPD/Clinic, or call our sales office on 01483 456 007

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